Tak jak @bea pisała - chyba jesteś rodzynkiem z Inkscape na Maca. Sam też nigdy tego systemu nie miał więc powiedz mi, czy macie coś takiego jak w linuksie - repozytoria (serwer z programami)? Może potrzebne paczki programów do odpowiedniej wersji Maca.
Na stronie Inkscape jest faq. Mój angielski kuleje, ale z tego co zrozumiałem to mogą być problemy z zainstalowaniem Inka na macu od 10.8 wyżej. Zerknij tutaj, może znajdziesz jakąś podpowiedź.
https://inkscape.org/en/learn/faq/#mac-os-x-specific-issuesInkscape fails to launch on OS X 10.8 and later
Apple no longer includes X11/Xquartz with OS X
The first time you try to launch an X11-based application on OS X 10.8 or later, the system will notify you that you need to install XQuartz first, and provide a link to the official download site for XQuartz.
Note: To complete the installation of XQuartz, it is required to logout and log back in again (or to reboot the system). It is also recommended to reinstall XQuartz after a system upgrade.
Related links: About X11 and OS X Mountain Lion (Apple Support), XQuartz Homepage
Apple's new GateKeeper security feature may prevent Inkscape from opening
When trying to run the newly installed application for the first time on OS X 10.8 or later, you may be prompted with a warning message saying that ""Inkscape" can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer" (or possibly ""Inkscape" is damaged and can't be opened").
If this happens, you can either (temporarily) lower the default security settings system-wide:
Launch System Preferences from the Apple menu
Choose "Security & Privacy" and then click the "General" tab, followed by clicking the lock icon in the corner to unlock the settings
Look for "Allow applications downloaded from:" and choose "Anywhere"
Accept the security warning and allow
You can now launch any app from any location or developer
or bypass the stricter GateKeeper rules on a per-application basis:
In the Finder, right-click (or control-click) the application in question and choose "Open"
Click the "Open" button at the next dialog warning to launch the app anyway
Related links: Mountain Lion: About Gatekeeper (Apple Support), Tip on osxdaily.com